The Salute is the official newsletter of PACMOAA and has been published in hard copy since 1983. There is a certain amount of uncertainty concerning the early history of this publication as the volume numbers of The Salute do not exactly align with the years of our existence as a MOAA affiliated chapter.
Harry Philip Miller, a charter member, was deeply involved from the beginning. Under his 23 year editorship, The Salute was always an award winning newsletter. In April of 2007 Harry decided to retire to Mississippi and placed The Salute in the hands of the staff photographer.
This turnover occurred during the first year in the presidency of Lynn Terry. President Terry was interested in reducing the chapter expenses and The Salute photographer was interested in producing color photographs. The result was creation of The Salute express, a digital product first published in January 2008 for distribution by email. This specially edited newsletter won the MOAA communication award for small chapters in 2009, 2019, and 5-Star Awards in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
NOTE: The Salute online is not normally published in July and August.
CAPT Harry Miller USN Ret. Editor Emeritus
LCDR Lynn Terry USN Ret.
Past President
The web tyro apologizes for the disheveled appearance of issues available. Our web builder program was changed (updated) after a 2017 crash and recovery of cosmetics has been slow. When viewing an issue or when you used a link in an issue always use the left arrow on address bar to return. Please be advised that some of the older issues that contain links to other websites may no longer function properly. After selecting a newsletter, use the back button on your browser to return to this page.
JAN 2026
FEB 2026
MAR 2026
APR 2026
MAY 2026
JUN/JUL 2026
AUG/SEP 2026
OCT 2026
NOV 2026
DEC 2026